Elements favored by athletes and mainly by bodybuilding enthusiasts, proteins help build muscle mass. A protein supplement can also be recommended for athletes taking part in endurance sports, mainly to benefit from an additional nutritional contribution and promote recovery after exercise. There are several types of protein which meet various athletic goals and individual preferences.
All proteins products

Which proteins to choose for muscle mass?

Your online Cocooncenter French pharmacy offers a wide range of proteins distributed by the leading sports nutrition brands such as Eric Favre, Eafit or STC Nutrition. Choose your protein depending on your athletic goals, diet and preferences. Our products exist in the form of powder, tablets, capsules or even protein bars. If you are looking to gain muscle mass, we recommend that you turn to fast-absorbing proteins like whey, the mass gainer or the protein isolates.
During a dry period, our other proteins such as casein will increase the feeling of fullness and benefit from a longer-lasting intake of amino acids. Last but not least, for vegetarian or vegan athletes, check out on our shop our vegetable proteins made from spirulina, pea protein or oatmeal.